How to Optimize Your E-commerce Site for Voice Search

min read
September 5, 2024
written by
Jimmy Ha

Imagine a customer browsing your e-commerce website without ever touching a keyboard or smartphone screen. Instead, they’re using their voice to search for products, ask questions, and place orders. This isn’t a vision of the distant future—it’s happening right now. Voice search is rapidly transforming the way consumers interact with the web, and DTC e-commerce brands need to stay ahead of the curve to remain competitive.

According to ComScore, 50% of all searches are expected to be voice-based in the near future, while data from PwC shows that 71% of consumers would rather use voice assistants to search for something than type. As smart speakers like Amazon Echo, Google Home, and Apple’s Siri become household staples, optimizing your e-commerce site for voice search is no longer optional—it’s a must.

This article will explore the strategies and best practices that DTC e-commerce brands can use to optimize their websites for voice search. From conversational keywords to local SEO, we’ll cover everything you need to ensure your brand is easily discoverable in this voice-driven world.

1. Focus on Conversational Keywords

Voice search queries differ significantly from traditional typed searches. When typing, users tend to input short, keyword-heavy phrases like “best running shoes.” However, voice search is more conversational and often takes the form of full questions or commands. For instance, a voice search might sound like, “What are the best running shoes for women?”

Why Conversational Keywords Matter:

  • Natural language processing: Voice search uses natural language processing (NLP) to understand queries, which means that long-tail, conversational keywords are crucial to ranking.
  • Capture intent: Voice search queries often reflect a more direct intent. For example, instead of simply searching for “skincare,” a user might ask, “What skincare routine should I follow for dry skin?”
  • Higher conversion potential: According to BrightLocal, 58% of consumers have used voice search to find local business information in the last year, demonstrating that voice searches are often action-oriented and conversion-driven.

How to Optimize for Conversational Keywords:

  • Use natural language: Incorporate long-tail keywords and full-sentence phrases into your product descriptions, FAQ pages, and blog content.
  • Target question-based keywords: Identify common questions that your customers might ask about your products and services, and answer them clearly in your content. Use tools like AnswerThePublic or Google’s “People Also Ask” feature to find popular questions.
  • Prioritize buyer intent keywords: Voice searches are often transactional, so include action-based keywords like “buy,” “find,” and “get” in your product listings and landing pages.

Results: Incorporating conversational, long-tail keywords into your SEO strategy can increase your chances of ranking in voice search results. According to Backlinko, pages with a more conversational tone and natural language tend to rank higher in voice search.

2. Optimize for Mobile and Voice Search Together

Mobile devices and voice search go hand in hand. With 27% of the global online population using voice search on mobile devices, according to Google, it’s essential that your e-commerce website is optimized for both voice and mobile search.

Why Mobile Optimization Is Critical for Voice Search:

  • Mobile-first indexing: Google’s mobile-first indexing means that the mobile version of your site is what Google primarily considers when determining rankings. If your mobile site is slow or difficult to navigate, it will hurt both your mobile and voice search rankings.
  • Convenience for users: Many users are multitasking when they use voice search. Whether they’re cooking, driving, or exercising, the ease of mobile access is crucial to making voice search effective.

How to Optimize for Mobile and Voice Search:

  • Use responsive design: Ensure your site automatically adjusts to fit different screen sizes, providing a seamless experience on any device.
  • Speed up your mobile site: A one-second delay in mobile load time can result in a 7% decrease in conversions, according to Neil Patel. Compress images, enable browser caching, and use a CDN to improve load times.
  • Simplify mobile navigation: Mobile users expect a streamlined experience. Make sure menus, product categories, and search functions are easy to access and use on mobile devices.

Results: Research from Google indicates that websites optimized for mobile can see a 50% increase in organic search traffic, including voice search. A faster, more responsive mobile site will enhance your voice search performance and improve the overall user experience.

3. Prioritize Local SEO for Voice Search

Local SEO is essential for DTC e-commerce brands, especially since voice search users frequently look for local businesses or products. According to Search Engine Watch, 46% of voice search users seek local businesses daily. Many voice searches are framed around local intent, such as “Where can I buy organic coffee near me?” or “What are the best gyms in my area?”

Why Local SEO Matters for Voice Search:

  • Action-driven queries: Local voice search users often have high purchase intent, meaning they’re more likely to convert if they find what they’re looking for.
  • Increased visibility in voice assistants: Voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant prioritize local businesses in their search results when the query has local intent.

How to Optimize for Local SEO:

  • Claim your Google My Business listing: Make sure your business is listed on Google My Business (GMB) with accurate information such as your address, phone number, hours of operation, and website. This helps you appear in local voice searches.
  • Use local keywords: Include location-specific keywords in your content, such as “vegan skincare in Austin” or “organic snacks in Los Angeles.” These keywords improve your chances of appearing in local search results.
  • Encourage customer reviews: Positive reviews on platforms like Google and Yelp can boost your local SEO rankings and make you more likely to appear in voice search results. According to Moz, reviews account for 15% of local pack rankings.

Results: Implementing local SEO strategies can increase your chances of appearing in local voice search results, potentially driving 28% more foot traffic to physical locations, according to Think with Google. This is especially valuable for DTC brands with brick-and-mortar stores or local distribution points.

4. Create a Detailed FAQ Page

FAQ pages are particularly useful for voice search because many voice queries are framed as questions. By answering common questions on your FAQ page, you increase the chances of your content being featured in voice search results.

Why FAQ Pages Are Essential for Voice Search:

  • Addresses user intent: FAQ pages answer the exact types of questions that users often ask via voice search, such as “How do I clean this product?” or “What are the shipping options?”
  • Featured snippets: Voice search often pulls answers from featured snippets (also known as “position zero”), and FAQ pages are ideal for providing concise, relevant answers that can be displayed as snippets.

How to Optimize Your FAQ Page for Voice Search:

  • Use structured data: Implement schema markup (structured data) to help search engines understand the content on your FAQ page. This makes it more likely that your answers will be displayed as featured snippets.
  • Keep answers short and to the point: Voice search prioritizes concise answers, so aim to answer questions in 40-50 words to increase your chances of ranking in voice search results.
  • Include long-tail keywords: Make sure your questions and answers incorporate conversational, long-tail keywords that align with how users might phrase their voice queries.

Results: Optimizing your FAQ page for voice search can lead to an increase in organic traffic. According to HubSpot, 70% of voice search queries are long-tail, question-based phrases, making a well-crafted FAQ page a powerful tool for voice SEO.

5. Implement Structured Data (Schema Markup)

Structured data, or schema markup, is a type of code that helps search engines understand the content on your website. This is especially important for voice search, as it allows voice assistants to quickly retrieve relevant information from your site and present it to users in the form of direct answers.

Why Structured Data Matters for Voice Search:

  • Enhances search engine understanding: Schema markup helps search engines interpret the context of your content, making it more likely to appear in relevant search results.
  • Increases visibility in voice search: Websites with structured data are more likely to appear in featured snippets, which voice assistants often pull from when answering questions.

How to Implement Structured Data for Voice Search:

  • Use FAQ schema: If you have an FAQ page, add FAQ schema to ensure that search engines recognize it as a valuable resource for answering voice queries.
  • Add product schema: Product schema helps search engines display important details like price, availability, and reviews in search results. This is especially useful for e-commerce brands selling physical products.
  • Leverage local business schema: If you have a brick-and-mortar store, add local business schema to provide search engines with details like your business name, address, phone number, and hours of operation.

Results: Websites that implement structured data are 2x more likely to appear in voice search results, according to a study by Search Engine Journal. Adding schema markup helps ensure that your site is optimized for both traditional and voice search queries.

6. Improve Page Load Speed

Page speed is a critical ranking factor for both traditional and voice search. Voice search users expect quick, accurate results, and if your website is slow to load, search engines are less likely to serve it as an answer.

Why Page Speed Matters for Voice Search:

  • User experience: Voice search users are often multitasking, meaning they need quick answers. If your website takes too long to load, they’ll leave before making a purchase.
  • Search engine preference: Search engines like Google prioritize websites with faster load times, particularly for mobile and voice search queries. A faster page load improves both your ranking and the user experience, making it more likely that your site will appear in voice search results.

How to Improve Page Load Speed:

  • Optimize images: Compress images to reduce file size without sacrificing quality. Large images are often one of the biggest culprits for slow load times.
  • Use a content delivery network (CDN): CDNs store copies of your site’s content on multiple servers across different locations, which reduces load time for users no matter where they’re located.
  • Minimize HTTP requests: Fewer HTTP requests mean faster page loads. Combine files, eliminate unnecessary plugins, and minimize the number of elements on your page.
  • Enable browser caching: Caching stores static elements of your website, like images and stylesheets, so they don’t need to be reloaded every time a visitor returns to your site.
  • Results: According to Think with Google, 53% of mobile users abandon a site that takes more than three seconds to load. By improving page load speed, you not only increase your chances of ranking in voice search but also reduce bounce rates and improve overall conversions.

7. Create Content That Answers Common Questions

Voice search is heavily used to ask questions, and if your website content directly answers these questions, you stand a better chance of appearing in voice search results. Creating content that addresses common questions related to your products or services can help position your e-commerce brand as a go-to resource.

Why Question-Based Content is Important:

  • Matches voice search intent: Many voice queries are framed as questions, such as “What’s the best way to clean leather shoes?” or “How much does express shipping cost for this product?”
  • Increases the chance of ranking in snippets: Google often pulls answers from websites that directly address common questions, placing them in featured snippets (also called “position zero”). Voice assistants frequently read these snippets aloud to users.

How to Create Question-Based Content:

  • Research common customer queries: Use tools like Google’s “People Also Ask,” AnswerThePublic, and your own customer service data to identify frequently asked questions about your products or industry.
  • Incorporate Q&A-style blog posts: Write blog posts or articles that are structured around answering specific questions. This not only helps with SEO but also provides value to potential customers.
  • Include FAQ sections on product pages: For each product, include a section that addresses common customer questions, such as sizing, care instructions, or shipping details.

Results: According to SEMrush, 41% of voice search answers come from featured snippets. By creating content that directly answers common questions, you increase your chances of ranking in voice search and improving your overall search visibility.

8. Optimize for Featured Snippets

Featured snippets are highly coveted in the SEO world, especially for voice search. These are short, concise answers to user queries that appear at the top of Google search results, above the organic listings. Voice assistants frequently pull answers from featured snippets, making it crucial for e-commerce brands to optimize their content for this spot.

Why Featured Snippets Are Important for Voice Search:

  • Dominates search results: Featured snippets appear at the very top of search results, meaning they capture a large share of clicks and attention.
  • Voice assistants rely on snippets: Voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant often read featured snippets aloud when answering voice queries.

How to Optimize for Featured Snippets:

  • Answer questions clearly and concisely: Structure your content so that it provides direct, easy-to-understand answers to common questions. Aim for concise answers that can be read aloud quickly, as voice search users expect fast responses.
  • Use lists and bullet points: Google often pulls content from lists or bullet points to use in featured snippets. For example, “How to clean leather shoes” might result in a step-by-step list being featured at the top of search results.
  • Structure your content with headers: Break your content into easily digestible sections with headers that correspond to common search queries. This helps search engines identify the most relevant part of your content to feature.

Results: According to Ahrefs, featured snippets receive 8.6% of all clicks on Google search results pages. Ranking for featured snippets can significantly boost your traffic and improve your visibility in both traditional and voice search.

9. Use Natural Language in Your Content

Voice search is all about natural language. Unlike traditional search queries, which often consist of a few keywords, voice search queries tend to be full sentences that mimic how people speak in real life. Incorporating natural language into your content can help your e-commerce website rank better for voice search.

Why Natural Language Is Key for Voice Search:

  • Aligns with user behavior: People speak differently than they type. Voice searches are often conversational and casual, so your content needs to reflect that style.
  • Improves user experience: Content that is easy to read and understand not only performs better in voice search but also creates a better experience for your audience.

How to Incorporate Natural Language into Your Content:

  • Write like you talk: Use a conversational tone in your content. Avoid overly complex language or jargon that might confuse readers or search engines.
  • Focus on readability: Keep your sentences and paragraphs short and to the point. This helps search engines and voice assistants understand and convey your message clearly.
  • Include common phrases and expressions: Think about the kinds of phrases people would use in casual conversation when searching for your products, and incorporate those into your content naturally.

Results: Backlinko’s research shows that 70% of voice search results are pulled from websites that use natural language and conversational tones. Optimizing your content in this way can improve your chances of appearing in voice search results and increase overall engagement.

Conclusion: Preparing Your E-commerce Site for the Voice Search Era

Voice search is rapidly changing the way consumers interact with e-commerce websites. For DTC e-commerce brands, optimizing for voice search is no longer optional—it’s a crucial strategy for capturing the growing number of voice-based queries. By focusing on conversational keywords, improving mobile and page load speed, creating question-based content, and optimizing for local SEO and featured snippets, you can position your e-commerce site to thrive in this voice-driven landscape.

As voice search continues to grow, brands that prioritize these SEO strategies will stand out, capture more organic traffic, and ultimately increase conversions. The key is to think like your customers—consider how they would speak their search queries—and tailor your content and technical SEO efforts accordingly.

So, are you ready to optimize your e-commerce site for voice search and meet the demands of the next generation of consumers? What’s your first step toward preparing for this voice search revolution?