Email Marketing

How to Build an Engaged Email Subscriber List for Your Brand

min read
September 5, 2024
written by
Jimmy Ha

Imagine you’ve spent months perfecting your product, crafting an appealing website, and building your brand’s identity. You’re attracting a decent amount of traffic, but the challenge is keeping that audience engaged. You know that once they leave your site, there’s no guarantee they’ll return—unless you have a way to stay connected. This is where building an engaged email subscriber list comes into play.

For DTC e-commerce brands, email marketing is a powerful tool. In fact, email generates $42 for every $1 spent, delivering an impressive ROI of 4,200%, according to a report from Litmus. However, the success of your email marketing strategy hinges on one key factor—your subscriber list. It’s not just about getting people to sign up, but about building a list filled with engaged, interested subscribers who are excited to hear from you.

In this article, we’ll explore the strategies and best practices for building an engaged email subscriber list for your DTC e-commerce brand. From creating irresistible lead magnets to optimizing your signup forms and using data-driven segmentation, these tactics will help you grow your list and keep your subscribers engaged.

1. Understand the Value of an Engaged Subscriber List

Before diving into the tactics, it’s important to understand why having an engaged email list is crucial for your brand’s growth. An engaged list consists of subscribers who open, read, and act on your emails. These are the customers who trust your brand and are more likely to make repeat purchases.

Why It Matters:

  • Higher engagement = Higher revenue: Engaged subscribers are more likely to convert. A study by DMA found that segmented and targeted emails generate 58% of all revenue.
  • Increased customer lifetime value: Engaged email subscribers often have a higher customer lifetime value (CLV) because they are more loyal to your brand. McKinsey reports that companies with successful email marketing strategies can see a 20% increase in CLV.
  • Lower churn rates: Engaged subscribers are less likely to unsubscribe or ignore your emails, meaning your list stays healthy and effective over time.

2. Create Irresistible Lead Magnets

One of the most effective ways to grow your email list is by offering something valuable in exchange for a signup—this is called a lead magnet. Your lead magnet needs to be relevant to your target audience and provide immediate value to encourage website visitors to give up their email addresses.

What Makes a Good Lead Magnet:

  • Relevant to your audience: Ensure the lead magnet addresses a problem or interest that aligns with your product offerings.
  • Immediate value: The lead magnet should provide instant gratification—whether it’s a discount, free shipping, or exclusive content.
  • Easy to access: Make the lead magnet easy to obtain, with a straightforward signup process and immediate delivery.

Popular Lead Magnet Ideas for DTC Brands:

  • Exclusive Discounts: Offering a 10-20% discount for first-time subscribers is a classic and highly effective lead magnet. According to Omnisend, welcome emails that include discounts generate 33% more engagement than those without.
  • Free Shipping: Many customers abandon their carts due to unexpected shipping costs. Offering free shipping for email subscribers can incentivize signups and reduce cart abandonment rates.
  • Educational Content: Offering a free guide, eBook, or tutorial related to your product can attract subscribers who are seeking more information before making a purchase.
  • Exclusive Access: Provide early access to new product launches or limited-edition items exclusively to your email subscribers.

Results: The Content Marketing Institute found that businesses using lead magnets see conversion rates as high as 50% for first-time visitors who sign up. Lead magnets not only grow your list but also attract subscribers who are genuinely interested in your brand.

3. Optimize Your Signup Forms for Conversion

The placement, design, and wording of your email signup forms can have a huge impact on how many website visitors convert into subscribers. A well-designed form that’s easy to find and fill out can significantly increase your signup rate.

Best Practices for Optimizing Signup Forms:

  • Keep it simple: Only ask for the information you truly need—often just an email address and a name. According to a report by HubSpot, reducing the number of form fields from four to three can increase form conversions by 50%.
  • Use a strong CTA: Your call-to-action (CTA) should clearly state what the subscriber will get in return for signing up. For example, instead of “Subscribe Now,” use something like “Get 15% Off Your First Order.”
  • Place forms strategically: The most effective signup forms are placed in high-visibility areas like the homepage, blog posts, and checkout pages. You can also use exit-intent popups to capture website visitors who are about to leave.
  • Test form placements: A/B test different placements (pop-ups, slide-ins, inline forms) to see which performs best for your audience.

Results: A study by Sumo revealed that the average email signup form converts at 1.95%, but top-performing forms can achieve conversion rates of 10-15%. Optimizing your forms is one of the simplest ways to grow your email list quickly.

4. Leverage Exit-Intent Popups

Exit-intent popups are one of the most effective ways to capture website visitors before they leave your site without subscribing. By offering a last-minute incentive, you can turn potential bounce traffic into engaged email subscribers.

How Exit-Intent Popups Work:

Exit-intent technology tracks when a user is about to leave your site and triggers a popup just before they exit. This can be used to offer a discount, free shipping, or other incentives in exchange for their email address.

Best Practices for Exit-Intent Popups:

  • Use a compelling offer: Offer something that adds immediate value, such as a limited-time discount or free shipping for first-time subscribers.
  • Keep the message short: You only have a few seconds to grab attention, so make the message clear, concise, and actionable.
  • Create urgency: Use language that creates urgency, such as “Subscribe now and get 15% off before this offer expires!”

Results: According to OptinMonster, well-designed exit-intent popups can convert 10-15% of abandoning visitors into subscribers. It’s a low-cost, high-reward strategy to prevent lost traffic.

5. Segment Your List for Better Engagement

Once you’ve started building your email list, segmentation is crucial to keep your subscribers engaged. Segmented email campaigns allow you to send more personalized, relevant content to specific groups of subscribers based on their interests, behaviors, or purchase history.

Why Segmentation Works:

Segmentation leads to higher open rates, click-through rates, and conversions because it tailors the content to the specific needs and preferences of each subscriber. According to Mailchimp, segmented email campaigns see a 14.31% higher open rate and a 100.95% higher click-through rate compared to non-segmented campaigns.

How to Segment Your List:

  • Behavioral segmentation: Segment subscribers based on their interactions with your website or emails, such as browsing certain products or clicking on specific links.
  • Purchase history: Create segments based on whether a subscriber is a first-time buyer, a repeat customer, or hasn’t made a purchase yet.
  • Demographics: Segment by location, age, or gender if it aligns with your brand’s product offerings.
  • Engagement level: Separate highly engaged subscribers from those who haven’t opened your emails recently and send them different types of content.

Results: Segmentation is a powerful tool to increase engagement and reduce unsubscribe rates. HubSpot reports that marketers who use segmentation experience a 760% increase in email revenue.

6. Use Automated Welcome Emails

A welcome email is your first chance to make a great impression on new subscribers. These emails are highly effective at engaging subscribers right from the start and can drive conversions if done correctly. In fact, welcome emails have an average open rate of 82%, making them one of the highest-performing types of emails, according to GetResponse.

How to Optimize Your Welcome Emails:

  • Send immediately: Set up automated workflows to send the welcome email as soon as someone subscribes to your list.
  • Reinforce your offer: If the subscriber signed up for a discount or lead magnet, include clear instructions on how to access it in the email.
  • Introduce your brand: Use this opportunity to share your brand’s story, values, and what subscribers can expect in future emails.
  • Include a CTA: Encourage new subscribers to take action, whether it’s making their first purchase, following you on social media, or exploring more products on your site.

Best Practice Tip: Welcome emails that are part of an automated series perform even better. Consider sending a series of 2-3 welcome emails over a week to nurture your new subscribers.

Results: Omnisend found that welcome emails generate 320% more revenue per email than promotional emails. By automating your welcome series, you can engage new subscribers and drive sales right off the bat.

7. Offer Exclusive Content to Subscribers

To keep your email list engaged, it’s essential to offer exclusive content that subscribers can’t find anywhere else. This not only keeps them interested in your emails but also makes them feel valued as part of your brand’s community.

What to Offer:

  • Early access to new products: Offer your email subscribers early access to new product launches or limited-edition items before they’re available to the general public.
  • Exclusive discounts or sales: Run email-only promotions that give subscribers a special discount or access to a sale.
  • Behind-the-scenes content: Share exclusive content about your brand’s story, upcoming product releases, or how your products are made.

Results: According to SmarterHQ, 72% of consumers say they only engage with personalized messages. Offering exclusive content not only keeps your list engaged but also encourages higher open and click-through rates.

8. Use Social Proof to Encourage Signups

People are more likely to subscribe when they see that others are doing the same. Social proof, such as testimonials, customer reviews, or the size of your email list, can encourage website visitors to sign up for your email list.

How to Use Social Proof:

  • Show subscriber count: If you have a large number of email subscribers, display this number near your signup forms (e.g., “Join 50,000+ happy subscribers”).
  • Highlight testimonials: Include customer testimonials or reviews near your signup form to build trust and show the value of being part of your email list.
  • Feature influencers: If influencers or well-known figures in your industry are part of your email list or endorse your brand, mention this in your email marketing efforts.

Results: Research from Nielsen shows that 92% of consumers trust recommendations from others over brand messaging. By incorporating social proof, you can build credibility and encourage more signups.

9. Run Contests and Giveaways

Contests and giveaways are an exciting way to grow your email subscriber list quickly. By offering a valuable prize, you can entice website visitors to subscribe in exchange for a chance to win.

Best Practices for Running Contests:

  • Keep the entry simple: The simpler the entry process, the more likely people are to participate. A name and email address should be all you need.
  • Promote heavily: Promote your contest across all channels—social media, your website, and paid ads—to maximize entries and new subscribers.
  • Offer a relevant prize: Choose a prize that’s directly related to your brand or products. This ensures you attract subscribers who are genuinely interested in your offerings.

Results: ViralSweep reports that contests can increase email subscriber lists by 34% on average. This strategy not only grows your list but also engages subscribers who are excited about your brand.

Conclusion: Building and Engaging Your Email List for Long-Term Success

Building an engaged email subscriber list takes time and strategy, but the benefits are undeniable. By offering valuable lead magnets, optimizing your signup forms, segmenting your list, and sending personalized, exclusive content, you can create a list that is not only large but also highly engaged. Remember, quality is more important than quantity when it comes to email marketing. A smaller, engaged list will always outperform a large, disengaged one.

As you implement these strategies, focus on nurturing your subscribers and delivering content that keeps them coming back. The more you engage your audience, the more likely they are to make repeat purchases, increasing your customer lifetime value and driving long-term revenue for your brand.

So, how will you start growing your email list today? Are you ready to turn your website visitors into loyal subscribers who can’t wait to hear from you?